Monday, June 4, 2007

Monday Ramblings

I can't believe it's already June... and I can't believe I haven't posted for over a week.

I don't know where to start... I think will begin with ramblings and see if perhaps I can piece things together into something a little more coherent later.

Work at The Osprey has been slow at best... but it's a little extra money to put gas in the car. Business will pick up just like it did last year, and frankly it's something to keep me busy at night. It's a good place to take my mind of things and think about something else.

Lately I have found myself saying the serenity prayer a lot - for those that have never read it or don't remember it: "God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference" Last week in Al-Anon we talked about the wisdom to know the difference and I have decided for me the wisdom comes from my higher power... Clearly I am not good at making the wisest choices so by giving my higher power a chance to weigh in things are becoming more clear.

I was talking to my sponsor about some recent developments with Steve (I won't go into them here, they are his to tell) and she said to me: Did you ever think this is God giving you a wake-up call? He (he - for the purpose of discussion my higher power is referred to as he, but I subscribe more to the Erica version "God, Goddess and All that is Good) has been giving you signs for years but you chose to ignore them - here is a kick in the ass you need to make you realize this relationship is not in your best interest. And she is right. It seems like every day I am learning more about myself, what is and is not acceptable, what I need going forward and what I will and will not tolerate...

It sounds a bit trite and condescending, however I am praying for a peaceful and forgiving attitude towards Steve. I don't want to feel bitter and resentful towards him... it does me more harm than anything else. I don't need the ulcers and sleepless nights from the stress, and holding onto those resentments just creates more stress.

A work in progress :)


Lauren Maley said...

I love reading your posts A, you are such an example to me. I absolutely cant wait to see you in a little over a week. I love you!

Corinne said...

I can't wait to actually talk with you in person. I feel like you are learning so much. I'm thinking of you.

tom said...

So you work at the Osprey? I guess I didn't know that. How long have you been working there?

erin sheely said...

i can't wait to see you. it's so good to hear what you are learning and how you are doing. i totally agree with what you said about having to pray to be able to forgive and let go of those bitter feelings. it feel so good to let them go...whether or not the person deserves or wants the forgiveness. I'M rambling. i love you so

Sarah said...

I feel like I don't ever have something good to say to you in your comments. You just amaze me, and I know that words can't express it. I am proud that you are my sister.

Alder Family said...

I love that you're working so hard on yourself. It is really impressive and you're going to come through this experience an absolutely changed woman. You are already making such significant changes. It's impressive. Forgiveness is a process--and just because you feel resentful and bitter right now, doens't mean that you won't go back to the feelings you mentioned at the's totally normal that you might feel forgiving one day and a whole lot less than forgiving the next. Be gentle with yourself and accept the feelings as they come. You're doing an amazing job of that. I could not be more impressed.