Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Today at my Al-Anon meeting the topic was Gratitude. I was thinking to myself, lame. I come here for experience, strength and hope... how could this possibly help me? Clearly you can see the frame of mind I was in - and it was exactly what I needed to hear!

When I started going to Al-Anon one of the first topics was getting in touch with your higher power and I remember someone saying if you don't pray now - start. If you don't know how to start, start with listing the things you are thankful for, it can be anything - a job, a car that runs, a sunny day, etc. Now, being raised LDS I certainly knew how to pray, but it had been so long it was almost as if it was new again. Today's topic reminded me I haven't been praying - and I have been feeling especially crap-tastic lately... I'm obviously overdue for a heart to heart with my Higher Power.

I was able to share how grateful I am for Al-Anon and the things I have learned - namely Detachment and what a profound difference that has made in my life. I have had several people comment that they are impressed with how well I am handling the separation and I know it is because of the things I have learned in Al-Anon. I can see myself years ago sitting on the couch in the avenues with Amy (my then boyfriend's sister) and being borderline hysterical because I thought Matt was packing up to leave... And the situation with Ken wasn't better - in fact it was about 100 times worse ( a story for another post). And here I am, my longest relationship, my husband no less, the man I vowed to love for better or worse and I am holding it together and doing it pretty well if I do say so myself.

I am grateful for my program, the people I have met. My wonderful family and my dear sweet friends. I am grateful for the growth I have experienced and for the opportunity I was given to be able to grow.

I am getting to be pro at the acceptance speeches, huh? :)


Corinne said...

Wow. I can tell that Al-anon has made a big difference for you A. I am thinking of you every day!

Sarah said...

Me too, and I you should probably get an award for your beautiful acceptance speeches! Love you so!

tom said...

I'm glad things are working at well for your given the challenges. You're very strong.

Alder Family said...

This is such a remarkably different experience and you are a remarkably different person than you were 10 years ago. I am so impressed with you--this has to be the hardest experience in your life and there is a lot that we can all learn from the insights you're gaining throughout all of this. Thanks for sharing it here!