Friday, August 31, 2007

Last Day Lisa

My old boss Lisa Burgess got RiFed - Sweetser talk for Reduction in Force, i.e. laid off. I hate seeing her go. While I love my new boss Jami Ream it makes me so sad to think I won't be seeing Lisa's face or hearing her laugh at work. She was so good to me and we had so many fun times. I know there are more to come - especially since she isn't my boss anymore.

As a parting gift she gave me a beautiful hand painted martini glass. She suggested I take it with me to martini nights on Thursday, like some pubs have mug clubs where you get your own mug, I could have my own martini glass! She also gave me Mr. Right when you need him and it is so funny! A little cardboard guy that has a magnet by his head that you can attach different phrases to, like: "I could listen to you talk all night" "It's not your fault, it's mine" "You look thin. Have you lost weight?" "As always, you're right" and "May I take you shoe shopping?" and 5 more blanks so I can make my own. It's a riot.
I am going to miss Lisa... I have had the best bosses since coming to Sweetser! Ed French - who can forget Ed? Lisa and now Jami... hopefully Jami is here to stay for a while. ;)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Get to Steppin'!

I DID IT!! I passed the first part of my instructor certification class!! I am so proud of myself! It was the hardest thing I have done - physically. The workshop was held at a gym in Newmarket, NH and we were in a yoga studio that was about 80 degrees I swear... I am typically warm to begin with so you might imagine how hot I was when you throw in HOURS of step aerobics. I think over the course of the two days I worked out around 12-14 hours... between the workshop itself and the time I spent practicing the track I had to present.

My first presentation went well. My timing was slightly off, but I knew the routine and was even able to pre-que! The instructor was impressed since it was my first time teaching. Then we worked out for a couple more hours and we had to present again - this time in the aerobics studio with the microphone! I CHOKED!! I was so spent physically, mentally and emotionally I had nothing left in me... at one point I really thought my legs were going to to give out... I don't know how my brother-in-laws can run marathons... But I did it!

Now I need to memorize the other 11 tracks (songs) co-teach four times and video tape myself teaching a class, mail it in to be "graded" and I will be a certified Body Step instructor (provided I pass - and I WILL!)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Goin' Through the Big "D" (and I don't mean Dallas)

I wish I could remember who sang that song... it's country - maybe you know?

Things have been going very well. Steve and I have a tentative date for our court date - 10/9. I am still waiting for the papers from the court. So far it has been relatively painless... the only issue is the house and it not being sold, how to handle that. Once I have more things figured out I will share more... Hopefully by the middle of next week.

My new term for Steve is WASBAND... it doesn't have the sometimes hostile connotations that ex-husband has. I like it, it still cracks me up every time I say it. And my former in-laws are now out-laws, HAHAHA!! funny stuff.