Tuesday, February 6, 2007

All about boots

Steve and I went skiing this past weekend, and it was a bit chilly but very sunny with excellent conditions. One would think I would be totally psyched to ski... yeah, not so much. I have been getting increasingly frustrated by lack of progress - more bluntly put - I suck. I didn't used to suck, but I seem to be getting worse. My boots KILL my feet and it is like some sort of torture to put them on and do a run that is more than a bunny slope. Seriously - these should be used by the mob to get people to talk. I keep thinking I can tough it out... I will get better... It's to the point where I am embarrassed how slow I am so I spend the majority of the time skiing by myself. Thank heaven Steve bought me a Nano for Christmas so I have some company. Don't misunderstand - my friends offer all the time to ski with me, but I say no, knowing it's not fun for them to do the wimpy runs... (I miss my ski buddies Nancy Senecal and Stacy Garrity, they didn't seem to mind the green trails... Nancy Riggs is runnin' with the big dogs now - when she isn't working)

After our first run on Sunday as we were riding the lift back up I started to cry... I was telling Steve how badly my feet hurt, skiing isn't fun for me, I am not getting better I am getting worse. He told me to head into the ski shop and get another boot fit. *I already have custom foot beds in my boots that were supposed to help with the pain. So I did. And what do you know? My boots don't fit (duh!). The guy told me they are a size too big, that's why my arches cramp up and why my feet go numb, why I can't control my skis, why I can't make a good turn, why I am working so hard at something that is supposed to be fun and why I am not getting any better. What a relief to know it isn't ME, but my dang boots! Then of course he offered to sell me a pair for $300 - but that includes fittings for the life of my boots. I have looked online and from what I have found it is a really good deal for these particular boots. See? Aren't they pretty? Here's the thing - I want to ski and ski well. I don't want to give up. I'll keep you posted...

Speaking of pretty boots - here are the pair of NON skiing boots I really want... these boots are made for walkin'! I have had my eye on them for some time... and will continue to have my eye on them until I start working at the Osprey and have some spending money. So for now I just drool over the picture :)


Lauren Maley said...

I love it when I finally realize that it isn't me!!!!!!!!! thats how I felt when my doctor laughed at my feet and said that they shouldn't support me. At least I know I didn't give up on soccer because I am a wose, there really was a problem! Horray for a supportive Stevie!!! Ilove you!

Corinne said...

You know, I think you're making an investment in a sport that you really enjoy. $300 probably isn't too much to spend to have a lifetime of fun with your hubby, right? Good for you!

tom said...

I sure miss skiing. I went a lot during the winder of '95 but haven't been much since.