Thursday, May 17, 2007


I recieved the heartbreaking news this morning that my friend Angi's mother passed away... I feel like we (my circle of friends) are too young for this to be happening. Please keep Angi in your prayers as she works through her grief and deals with the loss of someone so important to her.

As I talk to my other girlfriends and we make plans for what time we will all be at the house tonight, who is going to cook what and when, and so on. Naturally start talking about our moms. Every friend I have talked to has said "I don't know what I would do without my mom, she is my best friend." I don't even want to imagine my life without my mom, Sue or Donee - all mother figures to me. I hope that one day I have a daughter who can say that about me.

Last week on Mother's Day my girlfriend Erica and I were talking about "the mother line" the traits, etc. that are passed on from mother to daughter. She had been to a blessing way and the mother of the pregant woman was talking about their ancestors - the strong women who had gone before them and how they had all shared a love of travel and adventure, among other things. It was so intersting to think about... I wonder what did Angi's mother pass on to her? what has my mother passed on to me? What will I pass on to my daughter(s)? God willing I have one (some)...

I am so blessed to have a mother, grandmother and step-mom who love me and it brings tears to my eyes to think about my life without any of them. I might not talk to them daily or fill them in on every little detail of my life (trying to spare them) but I know when I do they are there for me and I am so grateful.


Corinne said...

that's a really nice post A. angi will be in my prayers

Lauren Maley said...

I think about that a lot too A. I had a 23 year old roommate who lost her dad when she was 21. She always told me how much harder it would have been to have lost her mom; not that it was easy, just different. I am so grateful for my mom and for 6 sisters who i sometimes think of as moms =) I love you and am so dang excited to see you! Angi will be in my prayers.

Sarah said...

I am so sorry to hear about your friend's mom. I'll will definitely keep her in my prayers. I cannot imagine dealing with that kind of loss. I love you so, and I cannot wait to see you in less than a month!!