Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Same Old...

Not too much to write about this week... this are pretty status quo - which is nice for a change :)

Friday night I worked and for the first time in a long time I didn't go out after! I was still feeling a bit run down from being sick and just wanted to go to bed.

Saturday I got up pretty early and headed to Portland for a birthday party for my girlfriend Erin and a girl's night with Karri, Erica and Leslie. The party was fun, a pool party at Stacey's parents house... we got a little rain so the festivities were moved inside. It was an new/odd feeling to be the only one there without a man/boyfriend/dating someone and without a kid. Not that all the guys were at the party - only a couple were, but all the women were attached in one way or another. I think the girls for girls night had much higher expectations for the night and me than I did. I was still in a I want to sleep in my own bed kind of mood... and after spending the afternoon with kids and pregnant ladies I was a little spent to be totally honest. And I knew I needed to work the next day at 11 and would need to do my chores before then. In the past we have had girls night, drank wine, sat in the hot tub and had a sleep over and I just wasn't feeling it. I felt bad... we had planned it for so long but I just wasn't in that space.

I worked a little extra this weekend, which was exhausting. I worked a double on Sunday which means I was there from 11:00am till about 10:30pm and we were SO busy!! And it was stifling in the restaurant... we have to be one of the few places that doesn't have a/c and at times it's unbearable. Thankfully I made good money so it was all worth it in the end.

Some friends (Jasper & Nicki) were in town from California this week and they finally made their way to the Osprey Sunday night. After I got out of work we went to Maxwell's and shut it down... on a Sunday night!? Who does that!? It was a good time and I was glad I got to see them for the short time they were here.

All in all, a good weekend :) It's only Tuesday and I am already looking forward to this weekend... not that I have anything planned - or even a day off... I just love the weekend.


Lauren Maley said...

Amen for the weekend!!! Lately I have been going to bed between 9 and 10, what 21 year old college student on summer break does that?!? ME!!! Your sister! I love you!

Corinne said...

So glad you're getting out - I hope you feel better soon

Sarah said...

Hope this weekend was everything you wanted it to be! I love you!