Friday, October 5, 2007

Humboldt County

My next place to visit was Blocksburg in Humboldt County which was about 5 hours north of San Francisco. I had never been up there and it was amazing. Humboldt is known for a number of things, including the giant redwood trees, they were very impressive.

The drive to Blocksburg once I left Highway 101 was crazy! It was all hairpin turns, sharp curves, rough road and random cows! But look at that view!

While in Blocksburg I stayed with my friend Jim (aka Jimmy Bandito) who I hadn't seen in since last summer. I know Jimmy from Maine and now he lives in California with some friends - Josh, Nicole, Josh's Dad Barry and Nicole's son Alex who is 7. It is quite the set up they have there. Jimmy had warned me it was very laid back and rustic... he wasn't kidding. They are living in a barn that they are in the process of converting to a house. Jimmy was kind enough to get the bathroom done before I got there so I wouldn't have to use the out house and sun shower. Such a good friend.

I have never been so off the map so to say. There was no TV, my phone had no reception... we were close to 45 from the nearest store. It was so peaceful, I kept saying "it's so quiet out here". The stars were incredible, I couldn't believe how many there were when you are that far from a city, I wish I had been able to take pictures of them.

I read an entire book (300+ pages) we hiked, toured the redwoods, talked and just hung out (HAHAHA "we could talk or not talk for hours" - who knows what movie that's from?). We ate food that they grew in the garden, all organic... and they even made an apple pie and brownies in a dutch oven! It was almost like camping! There isn't a stove in the house, just 2 burners hooked up to a propane tank. I have never prepared baked goods like that - jeez, I can barely cook with an oven!

Here we are with the trees... not the most flattering picture of me - but it's more important you see how big that tree trunk is!!

This is Shadow the Great Dane, he was SO sweet, he kept wanting to lean on me, but my allergies kept me from loving on him too much. There were also 8 Great Dane puppies that I accidentally deleted the picture of, duh.
As much as I enjoyed my time there - I was not cut out to be a full time hippie chick... When I first got there I think it was Josh that said, "oh, she is a girlie girl... let's see how long that lasts" :) I thought it was pretty funny and I think I adapted very well.
Here we are the morning I left - not too scary for 3+ days of no make-up, unwashed hair, the quickest showers ever and only using a mirror I to back the car up!


Corinne said...

WOW. I want to see those trees too! I have never actually heard about someone living THAT rustic, except, maybe the Amish. I think they shower though :)

erin sheely said...

awesome!! you go girl!

Leah said...

"we could talk or not talk for hours"

From Jennifer Coolidge in 'Best in Show', one of my faves!

I'm glad you had a good time ("I did, I had a good time." What's THAT from?) and that you arrived back home safely. I'll see you soon.