Tuesday, September 18, 2007

8 Years

My phone rang this morning at 5:30 - it was Steve calling to wish me Happy Anniversary - since we are technically still married. I can't believe it has been 8 years. I had a guy say to me the other day he thought if a couple made it through the "7 year itch" they were all set... obviously that is not the case...

Steve and I have been getting along so well. We had breakfast together on Saturday... we covered a lot of heavy stuff - I am able to think and talk about things more clearly now that we have time and distance between us. He is learning so much about himself and growing so much as a person it's impressive to watch. That doesn't change things between us - other than allow me to be more forgiving of him. He's trying and I wish him the best going forward.


tom said...

Erin just reminded me of a weird anniversary of ours...one year ago today I deployed. :(

Corinne said...

I'm so impressed that you are both being so adult about it and working things out. Peaceful feelings are SUCH a good thing :)

Sarah said...

I hope that you had a good and peaceful day. I'm thinking of you.