Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Candlelight Dinner for 3

This is on the highway in Brunswick (town where I work). The wind blew the semi over!

This is a picture of the Kennebec Tavern that sits on the Kennebec River. It's a little less than a mile from our house. This view is from the parking lot looking out onto the river - and the river that is now in the parking lot!

Maybe you heard about our crazy weather yesterday? I don't think I have ever seen it rain that hard with the wind gusts - up to 80 mph in some areas! We lost power sometime during the day while we were at work (of course, wouldn't you know it - we never lost power at work!) and it was still out when we left this morning. Yeah for a warm shower at the gym!

I am SO glad we have a gas stove... I have always liked it for the cooking reasons, but when the power goes out - as it's known to do in Maine fairly often - I can still cook! We were still able to have a yummy, HOT dinner of Brunswick Stew (minus the biscuits, bummer) which was a treat because it was so cold in the house you could see your breath! I said to Steve and Chris "I swear it's colder in here than it is outside!" Steve told me to "open a window" hardee har har
Tonight I going to try my hand at making spaghetti and meatballs by candlelight... and if we are lucky and have power - maybe I will finish our taxes?


Corinne said...

I hope you get your power back soon! We had crazy windy weather here too. Luckily we never lost power. YUCK!

Alder Family said...

Dude, seriously you're amazing--still fixing dinner. I would have probably gone out b/c #1 I'm lazy, and #2 it's hard to cook in the dark. I'm giving you you're props, bokay?