Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Getting to know (a little about) me

I got this from my sister Corinne's blog

For hours and hours I could...
read a book
sit on the beach

I feel best about myself...
when I work-out
when I am a good friend
when I accomplish a goal

I absolutely cannot stand...
rude "customer service professionals" (I use the term loosely)
raw onions
warm beer

I am afraid of...

I love to splurge by...
going out to dinner

I save by...
rarely paying full price for anything (super bargain shopper!)
living in an old, tiny house
driving an older car

I am trying to work on...
asking for help
not being taken advantage of
being true to myself

In high school...
I was in a competitive show choir
I worked at the Mandarin
I was able to GRADUATE!! (with a lot of summer school, and help in math from Sue and my sister Erin)

In college...
hmmm... I only went for 2 semesters
I busted my butt to pass Math 101 - and didn't!
LOVED my history class

I feel I'm a good mom when...
When my two big boys (Steve 38 & Chris 39) are well fed and happy

I regret...
I don't have regrets, I have experiences in my life I have learned from... choices I have made - some good, some not so good...

I could never have too many...
good times


Corinne said...

i sure love you

erin sheely said...

me too! love you that is. :)